Internationales Asienforum
About the Journal
Welcome to the online archive of the Internationales Asienforum! The journal has ceased publication in 2016, it is succeeded by the International Quarterly for Asian Studies. On these sites you will find all issues of the journal published during its existence from 1970 to 2016.
The Internationales Asienforum was founded in 1970 as an interdisciplinary academic journal for Asian Studies in Germany. Its aim was to report on current and historical themes that contribute to the understanding of politics, economics and society of nowadays Asia. The results of social science research should be made known to a broader audience beyond the smaller circle of regional experts, and were intended to form a solid information basis for public discourse on Asia. Due to its focus on a mainly German public, a major part of the articles were published in German language. IQAS basically continues the core mission of the Internationales Asienforum, but has opened itself up to a more international readership and on-eye-level cooperation with scholars from Asia.
The retro-digitization of the Internationales Asienforum could be realized only through the generous support of the library of the South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University Library and the FID Asien.
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→ to International Quarterly for Asian Studies (2017 to present)